
InterVarsity is a national, interdenominational organization that strives to create and develop witnessing communities of students committed to following the Lord.
Olivia was welcomed into InterVarsity during her freshman year. Since then, this community has helped her to grow in both her faith and leadership skills while providing her with incredible friendships for which she is so grateful.
Throughout her time in InterVarsity, she has had the sweet joy of co-leading group of underclassmen on campus. Remembering all of the wonderful opportunities she has had to grow beside, encourage, and invest in these friend reminded her so much of God’s love for college students. As she thought about this, she realized that she felt called by the Lord to continue working in the lives of students through InterVarsity.

Olivia is now full-time staff at Elon University. In cooperation with the Holy Spirit, her job is to build a witnessing community on campus. Like many similar missions groups, InterVarsity staff members build a team of people to pray for their ministry and to financially support them.