Commissioned, part 3 — “Your Mission, should you choose to accept it…”

Welcome to our series Commissioned, where we will examine the practical nature of our beliefs, finding encouragement to put the Gospel message of Jesus to work in our lives.

1. In the Primer Podcast, Joanne and Rich discussed what it means to be citizens of heaven and the Kingdom of God. How do you feel about your mission as ambassador for Christ’s Kingdom in the world?

2. What does it look like for you in your specific context in life to faithfully engage in this mission?

3. Do you have trouble seeing yourself primarily as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, more so than a citizen of a nation? If so, what conflicts are you experiencing? If not, how can you live this out?

4. Joanne and Rich talk about the importance for our mission as ambassadors for Christ to be winsome, to look different in the way that we demonstrate God’s love for others. How have other Christ-followers impacted you in this way in the past? What are some ways you have tried to do this for others?

5. In the podcast, Rich pointed out how loving our neighbors (the Great Commandment) is the catalyst for spreading the Gospel (the Great Commission) but participating in God’s rescue mission in this way is a radical act. How have we, as the modern American church, “domesticated the Gospel”?

6. Do you feel you are too “comfortable” in the missional aspect of your faith? What would it look like to get out of your comfort zone? What fears may be holding you back from becoming a little less comfortable?

7. What do you make of the difference between a “decider” and a “disciple” when it comes to following Jesus? What is the difference to you between simply believing, and acting on your belief in love?

Find Rich Stearns’ book Unfinished here, on Amazon, or purchase at the Mission Cafe.


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Commissioned, part 4 — “Competing Kingdoms”


Commissioned, part 2 — “Why did Jesus leave?”