Dangerously Divided: Week 2
Rev. Pete Stearns continues our new series called Dangerously Divided: Conformed to the Pattern of This World. Through Paul’s letter to the Romans, we will explore how the Church today can and must learn to bring the light of Christ into our increasingly divided and divisive world.
1. How have you witnessed the evangelical church in particular engage with non-believers particularly in the space of social and political issues?
2. What do you think fuels this interaction, both well intended and divisive?
3. Read Romans 12:14-16:
What do you think Paul is getting at by pairing this commandment to bless those that persecute you with the invitation to rejoice, mourn, live in harmony, etc.?
As you think about social, political and cultural issues that you are passionate about, do you find yourself more prone to empathize or demonize those that think/act differently?
What would empathy cost you and how might it change your engagement with others?
4. Read Romans 12:17-19:
Why do you think mercy is the natural by-product of empathy?
Mercy is costly, but it invites us into Kingdom priorities: Where do you find yourself most averse to offering Mercy, and what does that say about your trust in God’s justice?
5. Read Romans 12:20-21:
Grace apart from mercy and empathy can be unintentionally destructive—can you name some examples of how this might be the case?
Why are empathy and mercy so foundational in our ability to “give our ‘enemy’ what they really need”?
6. Discuss some tangible steps you can take this week to implement this rhythm of empathy, mercy and grace into the divisive spaces of your life.