Invited: Herod

Week 2 Group Study Questions

  1. What do you know about Herod the Great? What opinions do you have of him?

  2. Read Matthew 2:1-16. What sticks out about the invitation of the wise men?

  3. What sticks out about Herod’s response?

  4. Herod was disturbed because this invitation threatened his instinct to seek human approval. Can you relate with that internal struggle yourself? In what ways?

  5. How might your attitude shift if you recognized the invitation of Christmas as an invitation to be known and loved by God?

  6. Herod had amassed a remarkable kingdom, and the thought of losing it led him to despair. What earthly “kingdoms” are you afraid of losing?

  7. This Christmas, Jesus is calling us to surrender our kingdom to His. What might that look like specifically in your life?

  8. Finally, we know that Herod was desperate for control. What do you do when you find control in your life hard to grasp?

  9. Pete said that the invitation of the wise men was an invitation to “let the tree fall” and let go of control even when it feels like it will be costly. What does that mean for you this Christmas?

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Invited: Simeon and Anna


Invited: Elizabeth