Storytellers, Part 2: Immerse

Welcome to the second week of our series Storytellers. Today marks our annual Immerse service, where we celebrate life change through the sacrament of baptism.

When we look at the overall teaching of the New Testament, one thing about salvation is clear: Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus alone when a person repents of their sin and turns to Jesus for salvation.

Read Acts 2:38-41.

1. Have you been baptized? If not, what has held you back? If so, how has God used your baptism story to witness to others?

2. If you have been baptized, try to recall that time in your life. Respond to each of these questions:

  • What was your life like before you were baptized?

  • Why did you choose to be baptized?

  • How has your life been different since your baptism?

  • What habits/practices have you started that best helps you connect to God?

  • What’s one way you can remind yourself to listen to Jesus and do what He says every day?

Read Matthew 28:16-20.

3. Why is baptism important for the church and for the person being baptized?

4. How do you see yourself making disciples? (In your home, work, recreation, church, etc?)

5. How can you be more intentional about using your gifts, resources, and desires for the Great Commission?

6. How can you embrace where God has placed you and how he has equipped you at this time for the Great Commission?


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Storytellers, Part 3: “Snaked by Grace”


Storytellers, Part 1: “Impacting the Impacter,” Rev. Dr. James Wilkes