Join us July 28th through September 1st as we hear messages from the following speakers:
July 28 - Rev. Dr. James Wilkes (Lead Pastor, Elon First Baptist)
August 4 - Baptism Service at Lake Cammack
August 11 - Shawn Colacchia (Student Ministry Director, St. Mark’s)
August 18 - Suanne Camfield* (Author and First Impressions Director, Christ Church, Oak Brook, Ill.)
August 25 - Rich Stearns*(Author and President Emeritus of World Vision USA)
September 1 - Fil Anderson (Author and Spiritual Formation Pastor, St. Mark’s)
*Following the second services on August 18 and August 25, join Suanne Camfield and Rich Stearns, respectively, for author luncheons and book signings. Register for each luncheon using the buttons below: