
This time of year is……well, it’s many things. Magical. Busy. Blurred.

What are you feeling right now? 

 I’d like to focus on one thing. Will you join me? Peace. It’s week two of Advent season – the time of year when we remember the great expectation of the coming of our Savior. Long promised by God to His people. His answer to our sin. In week two, as we excitedly await the birth of Jesus, we light the candle of Peace on the advent wreath. This peace comes when we “trust in the Lord with all our hearts; not relying on our own intelligence” (Proverbs 3:5).

Remember the Christmas story, when the angels appeared to the shepherds in the field? They proclaimed “peace to all men and women on earth” (Luke 2:14).  God wants us to be at peace – with Him, with each other, and with ourselves. Trust that He is who He says He is, and that He will do what He says He will do. 

It’s not always easy. It’s often a daily, if not moment-by-moment choice. “Turn your back on sin” (and worry and fret and unbelief), “do something good. Embrace peace – don’t let it get away!” (Psalm 34:14). And that’s my wish you for you today, and this season, my Friend!

Jessica Hill 


Choosing to Live with Hope