Choosing to Live with Hope

If you’re like me, I’m not quite sure how to feel as we usher in a new year after the year we just had.  The past year was challenging for each one of us and it can be easy to bring some of the doubts, skepticism, regrets, and even sorrow with us into 2021. 

In this new year though, I am choosing to live with hope, and I hope you will join me.  Paul, the apostle, wrote a letter that includes some guidelines of how to live as believers in a fallen world. 

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13

You see, hope has to do with God.  Hope is not just being optimistic, saying “Things will get better soon”, or “This grief will go away”, or “My wound will be healed”.  Hope is when we have faith and joy within us because Christ is in us. 

No matter the circumstances, we can choose to experience joy and peace when we live with hope, trusting God.  As Paul said, God is the God of Hope, and when we believe that promise, we’ll have joy and peace each day through any circumstance. 

Thank you, God for this new year and for Your Word, which promises us that You are with us, love us, and give us hope through your Son, Jesus.  Amen. 

Mike W.


God Loves You

