God Loves You

Greetings Friend…How are you?


It’s been weird lately, hasn’t it? The holidays were different, and now things are…weird. Uncertain maybe. Yeah, I feel that way, too. 


But one thing is certain. God loves you. I know this without a doubt. If you believe in Him, and put your trust in Him, everything will work out. “We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).


I know life isn’t always a bouquet of roses, but I know that God is in it with us, and His plans are greater than anything I can imagine. So, when I start to get a little fretful, I refocus back on His promises. He’ll never leave us, or forsake us. He is our strength and our peace. He has plans for us. He hears our prayers. 

He will always love us. 


Rest in that today, friend. Know that you are loved.  

Jessica Hill




Choosing to Live with Hope