Be Love(d) — part 5

Welcome to the final week of our series Be Love(d), where are examining the power of God’s love for us and the way that God’s love for us equips us to love others.

In the Primer Podcast and in his sermon, Pete briefly talks about our desire to document moments that we would better off enjoying and being present instead.

1.Talk about a time when you either missed being present to a moment because you were attempting to document it, or a moment in which you are thankful you chose to be present instead of viewing it behind a cell phone camera.

2. How does this example connect to what we read in 1 John 5:1-3 about our “command” to love?

3. In these verses, John writes that God’s command to love is not a burden. To that end, discuss this statement: “the law of love offers freedom, not constraints.”

In the Primer Podcast video, Pete and Jessica discuss the importance of resting in the love of God, and how this gives us the freedom to enjoy God’s love, and to share this love freely, rather than viewing it as something we’re forced to do.

4. Why does our mindset around a task (any task) impact our experience of that task?

5. How do you personally find rest in God’s love?

6. In what ways do you tend to overcomplicate God’s desire for you to love others?

7. As you close your time, talk about the love God has shown you over the course of your life. For which person, or group of people, do you most need God’s help in order to truly love in the way we are called to love?


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Storytellers, Part 1: “Impacting the Impacter,” Rev. Dr. James Wilkes


Be Love(d) — part 4