Be Love(d) — part 4

Welcome to week four of our series Be Love(d), where are examining the power of God’s love for us and the way that God’s love for us equips us to love others.

  1. How has anxiety or fear ever blocked your ability to experience love?

  2. Talk about your views of “God as judge” and “God as love.” How is it possible for God to be both?

  3. Why is it important to view God primarily as love?

  4. Read 1 John 4:7-10. How does our understanding of God as love impact our ability to actually love others?

  5. Read 1 John 4:18. Have you experienced an overpowering kind of love from God that drives out fear? Discuss with your group.

  6. Discuss how being formed in God’s love empowers you and sets you free to joyfully “make Jesus famous” for the people you interact with in your daily life.


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Be Love(d) — part 5


Be Love(d) — part 3