Be Love(d) — part 3

Welcome to week three of our series Be Love(d), where are examining the power of God’s love for us and the way that God’s love for us equips us to love others.

1. What are some tangible things you can point to that demonstrate God’s great love for you? Take a moment to reflect on those things.

Read 1 John 3:1-3.

2. What does it mean to claim your identity as a child of God? What has kept you from fulling accepting this as your true identity? What helps you more fully accept your true identity?

Read 1 John 3:16-18.

3. How do you receive the language here of “laying down your life”? What aspects of your life are the toughest to surrender?

4. Reflect on verse 17. In what way do our acts of kindness and sacrifice reflect what God has done for us?

5. What does it look like in your life to love with “actions and in truth” (verse 18)?

6. Talk about this quote from the Primer Podcast: “All loving actions are good deeds, but not all good deeds are loving actions.” What is the distinction being made here and why is it important?

7. Which of your time, resources, relationships, or pride can you leverage in order to love others well? Which is the most difficult for you?

Read 1 John 3:23-24

8. Discuss why it’s impossible to fully love others without the help of the Holy Spirit.


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Be Love(d) — part 4


Be Love(d) — part 2