Be Love(d) — part 2

Welcome to week two of our series Be Love(d), where we will examine the power of God’s love for us and the way that God’s Love for us equips us to love others.

Read I John 2:12-14

1. What does the phrase “Remember who you are” mean to you in the context of the sermon and this scripture?

2. What characteristics of the believers are highlighted, and how do they combat spiritual blindness and identity crisis?

3. How can remembering God’s faithfulness help us to overcome spiritual blindness and disdain toward others?

Read I John 2:15-17

4. What are the three forms of counterfeit love identified in this passage, and how do they hinder believers from experiencing God’s true love?

5. How does the promise highlighted in verse 17 — that whoever does the will of God will live forever — contrast with the love of the world in terms of validation, faithfulness, and power?


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Be Love(d) — part 3


Be Love(d) — part 1