Group Study Guide Week 3

“Double-Edged Sword”

Pete Stearns | September 25, 2022

We created this study guide to spark thought, discussion, and prayer among community groups and study groups. We hope that your time together is enriched.

Group Discussion Questions

1. Read Hebrews 4:12

When you read about scripture as a double-edged sword, what comes to mind?

 2. On Sunday we looked at this remarkable image (click to view)

 How does this “web” of scriptural connection impact how you read, or think about, your Bible?

 3. Read Exodus 17:1-7

What sticks out to you about the Israelites’ attitude, considering their circumstances?

 4. Pete compared a “hardened heart” to gas in the house. No matter what else you are doing, a hard heart is always a threat.

Where have you seen evidence of a hardened heart in your life?

 5. We talked about how a hard heart often leads us to “weaponize” scripture.

Where have you seen evidence of that? How do you tend to weaponize scripture in your own relationships? (Marriage, Politics, Friendships, etc.)

 6. Read Hebrews 3:7-11 and Ephesians 6:17

How can you invite the Holy Spirit to be in control of “the sword” when you read, and how might that change your study of the Bible?

 7. On Sunday, we watched a video (see below) of a guy named Grant Diamond who uses video games as a platform to open scripture to the spiritually lost in an invitational way that creates space for the Holy Spirits transformation.

  • First, what did you see Grant do to make the Bible accessible to those who might otherwise reject it?

  • Second, where is God inviting you to open scripture up to others in a way that invites rather than condemns?


Practice: Lectio Divina (Week 2)

Lectio Divina helps create space for the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts through Scripture is called Lectio Divina. This way of reading slows us down so we can prayerfully encounter and surrender to God as we read the Bible.

We challenge you to try this way of reading the Bible as a group.

Allow yourselves to slow down, opening your heart and mind for God to meet you in your reading.

Last week we suggested using Matthew 3:13-17, the baptism of Jesus.

This week, consider focusing on this passage from Exodus 17:1-7 that Pete included in his sermon.

Then follow this basic pattern:

Silence: Before beginning, prayerfully place yourself in God’s presence.

Listen: As one person in your group reads the passage slowly out loud, listen for words or phrases that catch your attention. Allow at least a couple minutes of silence as you reflect on the passage prayerfully.

(You may choose to share your word or phrase out loud with your group, or to stay silent with eyes closed in prayer.)

Locate: After some time, the same person will read the passage again, slowly. This time, using your imagination, place yourself in the story. What do you see, hear, or experience?

(Again, you may share out loud or remain in silent prayer.)

Invitation: As the passage is read a third time, is there an invitation or a challenge God is calling you to respond to?

(Share out loud or remain in silent prayer.)

Rest: During a final reading, simply rest in the words and love of God.

(One group member closes this time together in prayer.)


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