Be. Rest

In this message, we will study the Gospel of Matthew and consider how this text calls us to actively seek out rest for the soul.

  1. When you think of rest, what do you think of? Is there an activity or a place that comes to mind?

    Read Matthew 11:28-30

  2. Jesus promises rest for our souls. In your opinion, what’s the difference between rest for your soul and rest for your body?

  3. Jesus also promises that his burden is easy. Can you think of a situation in which it might seem like following Jesus isn’t easy or like it’s a heavy burden?

    Read Matthew 12:1-8

  4. Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest, was a big deal to Israelites at the time. But Jesus and the Pharisees are living it out differently. How are Jesus and the Pharisees treating the Sabbath different?

    Read Matthew 12:9-13

  5. In both stories Jesus chooses compassion instead of human made rules. He understands that rest isn’t about external legalities, it’s about internal realities. Have you ever had a day of rest that was ruined because of an internal reality of your heart or soul? (Think anxiety, anger, etc)

  6. We’re blessed to live at a time when holidays and days off are required by law. However, resting our soul is not. What can we do to focus on the internal realities of our soul?

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Under the Influence (Week 1)


O Christmas Tree (Christmas—The Presence)