Commissioned, part 5 — “Holy Spirit”

Welcome to our series Commissioned, where we will examine the practical nature of our beliefs, finding encouragement to put the Gospel message of Jesus to work in our lives.

  1. In this week’s podcast, Rich Stearns talks about the Holy Spirit as a holy Global Positioning System (GPS). Share a situation you have had when not listening to or following the directions of your GPS while on a trip led you into trouble.

  2. Has following the Holy Spirit ever felt scary? Have you ever allowed yourself to be led into uncharted waters? Talk about a time when God has been faithful in the midst of the unknown.

  3. In the podcast and sermon, Pete talks about the Holy Spirit’s role in allowing followers of Christ to accomplish tasks that they are not capable of doing. Have you ever experienced this? If so, share with your group.

  4. Read about this very thing happening in Acts 2:1-12. Try to imagine this incredible scene and discuss within your group.

    Rich points out the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit’s nudging in the smaller things in life, saying that obedience in the ordinary things often results in God using us for extraordinary things.

  5. Try to trace this throughout your own life. How has God’s Spirit nudged you in everyday situations?

  6. You may not have raised $500 million for fresh water across the globe, but what big things has God allowed you to partner with Him in?

  7. If you have time, read this large section (Acts 2:14-41) from Acts in which Peter addresses the crowd in Jerusalem on Pentecost.

    Discuss the transformation of Peter, from his denial of Christ to this point in Acts. How did the Holy Spirit transform this fisherman into the “Rock” Jesus said he would become, and what resulted from Peter’s courageous, impassioned speech?

Find Rich Stearns’ book Unfinished here on Amazon, or purchase it at the Mission Cafe.


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Commissioned, part 6 — “Simple Kingdom Building”


Commissioned, part 4 — “Competing Kingdoms”