Commissioned, part 6 — “Simple Kingdom Building”

Welcome to the final our series Commissioned, where we have examined the practical nature of our beliefs, finding encouragement to put the Gospel message of Jesus to work in our lives.

  1. This week’s message and podcast were all about how God uses our small acts to make a big difference for His Kingdom. What are some small acts of kindness and generosity within your wheelhouse—either that you are already doing, or could begin doing?

  2. In the podcast, Rich uses the metaphor of “spiritual dominoes” to describe the far-reaching effect witnessing the love of Christ to just one person can create. Trace back and share what “dominoes” fell in your journey of faith that led to your conversion. Who did God work through for you?

  3. Are you aware of any spiritual dominoes that God knocked over using you? If so, with your group, share about it, celebrating what God has accomplished through you.

  4. In Pete’s sermon, he read Acts 2:42-47. Read this passage together. Discuss and dream about what this would look like in your community group and in our church.

  5. With your group, talk about the following prompts from the “Simple Acts Together” Pete talked about in his sermon this week:

    a. Gospel Gatherings: How can you share the gospel message of Christ’s forgiveness, mercy, and love for all in your social gatherings, with friends, co-workers, or even acquaintances?

    b. Purposefully Prayerful (Acts 2:42): How can you allow prayer to “fuel” your life and mission? Who are you praying for as you build relationships? Who can you begin to pray for?

    c. Breaking Bread (Acts 2:42 &46): The sharing of meals were essential to discipleship in the early church. Who can you invite to the table this month?

    d. Meeting Needs (Acts 2:45): How can you be the “hands and feet of Jesus” in a hurting world? What resources can you share with others? What talents can you give to God and others in service? How can you be for your neighbors?

Find Rich Stearns’ book Unfinished here on Amazon, or purchase it at the Mission Cafe.


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Be Love(d) — part 1


Commissioned, part 5 — “Holy Spirit”