Dangerously Divided: Week 4

In his sermon this week, Pete breaks down two attitudes contrary to the cross of Christ that demonstrate division in the Roman church: judgment and contempt. If we are honest and self-reflective, it isn’t difficult to see that we continue to struggle with these.

An Attitude of Judgment

• A posture of Certainty

• A self-perceived Responsibility to expose the sin of others

1. In what ways have you carried an attitude of judgment in the past? In what specific areas do you struggle with judging others now?

2. Do your personal convictions and certainty make it hard to love someone with whom you disagree?

3. When is it actually appropriate to confront someone in their sin? Discuss whether it’s possible to do this without judgment. If so, what does this look like?

An Attitude of Contempt

• A posture of Superiority

• A self-perceived Authority to discredit/devalue others

4. How can judgment lead to contempt?

5. Discuss the effects of contempt on a community or family. Have you seen or experienced this?

6. How is contempt contrary to the cross of Christ? How can we let the Holy Spirit lead us in the way of love and truth?

7. Read and discuss Romans 14 in the modern-day vernacular of The Message. (Group leaders, you may decide which verses to discuss, in the interest of time. 14:1-5, 10-12, and 13-20 are especially compelling.)

8. Finally, discuss your thoughts about this quote from the sermon:

Judgment and Contempt are warnings that we must surrender our certainty and superiority to the Holy Spirit—indications that we must trust in God’s responsibility and authority to redeem the brokenness of the world!

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Dangerously Divided: Week 5


Dangerously Divided: Week 3