Dangerously Divided: Week 5
As we conclude our Dangerously Divided series, let’s reflect on some of Paul’s concluding words to the church in Rome, as he calls for active peacemaking between those from both Gentile and Jewish backgrounds.
1. First, what did you think of Pete’s sermon illustration of having his boys “hug until they laugh” when they are in conflict? Talk about any time when you have engaged in something similar with someone with whom you were in conflict.
Read Romans 15:1-2 in the Message and answer the next few questions.
2. When have you “lent a hand” to someone who has faltered?
3. How have others helped you when you have faltered? What effect did that have on you and your faith?
4. Discuss why asking “how can I help” provides a better Christian witness than judgment or contempt.
Read Romans 15:3-6.
5. How does God use Scripture to draw us into the work He is doing in our world?
6. How does God develop maturity in us? Is there anything that we bring to this process?
7. Have you experienced anything like the “harmony” written about at the end of this passage?
Close your time by reading Romans 15:7-13.
8. Talk about the encouragement these words bring to you as you discern where in your lives you may be able to build these types of bridges through the “life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit.”