Difficult People (Part 1)
In the series, “Difficult People”, we will explore the challenge of relationships through the story of Jacob and Esau.
1.) Reflect on Nathan and Pete’s conversation about how - though it is unlikely that we will be able to “change” a difficult person - we can work to see them and know them better.
2.) Read Genesis 25:24-28
3.) What barriers do Jacob and Esau have in their relationship that might make them perceive each other as difficult?
4.) Jacob and Esau see the world through the lens of their inclinations - Jacob is driven by his mind, Esau by his heart - where have you experienced relationship challenges that might be fueled by your inclinations, successes, and passions?
5.) The author makes a point of saying that Jacob and Esau are loved differently, how do you think that hurt may influence their relationship?
6.) How have you projected insecurities or anxieties on your relationships? How are you been able to recognize that in the moment?
7.) Read Genesis 25:21-23
8.) How do you think God’s prophecy was received by Rebekah? How might her understanding of that prophecy have played a role in her family’s struggles?
9.) Pete talked about how expectations often create “difficult” people, how have you seen that in your relationships?
10.) Pete talked about telling a creative enough story to turn your “difficult” person into a hero.
As a group practice this together: come up with some examples of “difficult” circumstances and practice telling a creative story (for example: “a friend isn’t texting you back” or “you have been left out of a dinner party,” etc.).
(*Video available after Sunday services)