“Storytellers” Rich Stearns

In this special service in our “Storytellers” series, we heard from Rich Stearns, former president of World Vision, and most importantly, Pete’s dad, as he posed some important questions to us.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 and then discuss the following questions that Rich posed during his sermon this Sunday.

1. What do you feel that God expects of you? Talk about some ways you feel you are called on to be Christ’s ambassador in your life.

2. (To what extent) are you willing to be open to God’s will for your life? What does being open to God’s will look like for you, in your particular situation? How does this question relate to your relationships? How about your job or vocation?

3. What things get in the way of your openness to God’s will for your life? Talk about some ways you have doubted that God could really use you.

Read Luke 9:10-17 and apply it in conversation with your group through the following questions:

4. How many “loaves” do you have? In other words, what gifts from God do you have right now that you can offer back to God? How might God use your “loaves” to meet a need?

5. Finally, discuss this quote from the sermon: “God will never ask you to give what you do not have; but he cannot use what you will not give.” What implications does this have?

(*Video available after Sunday services)

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