“Be” — Play!

In this stand-alone sermon, First Impressions Director Megan Butler explores the importance of play to our spiritual lives.

In her message, Megan offered a framework for recognizing the spiritual importance of play in our lives, and a way to see the ways i which we may be wired towards what Fil Anderson calls a “terminal seriousness.”

“I __________ instead of play, and that makes me ____________.”

(a) I work instead of play, and that makes me successful.

(b) I serve instead of play, and that makes me faithful.

(c) I get stuff done instead of play, and that makes me efficient.

(d) I watch instead of play, and that makes me less likely to be embarrassed.

  1. Discuss which of the above options you see most in yourself. Why do you think this option resonates with you? Can you discuss any examples?

  2. Keep in mind that things like working and serving are not bad! However, if we do them compulsively, or to prove our worth in some way—to the exclusion of play—we are at risk of missing out on the goodness and joy God wants for us!  What does it look like for you to not only rest in, but play in, the truth that God wants you to experience joy through play?

  3. Which of the statements above to you most want to lean into?

    (a) Sometimes I play instead of work, and that makes me dependent (on God).

    (b) Sometimes I play instead of serve, and that makes me humble.

    (c) Sometimes I play instead of get stuff done, and that makes me patient.

    (d) Sometimes I play instead of watch, and that makes me more likely to develop confidence.

  4. What are some things you do that might qualify as “play”? What are some things that you want to do, but you don’t? Discuss what’s holding you back, and how (if possible) you can overcome it.

  5. Make a plan right now with someone close to you to do something fun together and experience the joy of play.

(*Video available after Sunday services)

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