The Wise Men’s Christmas Roadtrip (Part 4)

Our Advent series, Christmas Roadtrip, has examined the ways we seek out Jesus through the eyes and journey of the wise men who sought him out that first Christmas season.

  1. How do you find yourself seeking value in the temporary treasure you can acquire, like the gold presented to Jesus by the wise men?

  2. What opportunities does God give you to “re-gift” your gold for his good purposes? How does generosity re-orient your priorities?

  3. Frankincense was a symbol of our prayers reaching God, yet Jesus Emmanuel is “God with us.” Reflect on the sheer magnitude of the fact that in the birth and life of Christ, God loves us enough to actually become one of us. How does the gift of Jesus and his continued presence with you through the Spirit affect how you experience the ups and downs of life?

  4. Finally, the wise men brought myrrh, a burial spice, as a gift to a newborn. Little did they know, this baby would one day rise from the tomb three days after his death. Discuss the various ways God turns the expectations and kingdoms of the world upside down.

As you enter into Christmas, draw hope from the fact that although the wise men brought a death-masking spice to Jesus, through his own life, death, and resurrection, Jesus doesn’t just mask death—he actually defeats it!

(*Video available after Sunday services)

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The Wise Men’s Christmas Roadtrip (Part 3)