The Wise Men’s Christmas Roadtrip (Part 3)

Our Advent series, Christmas Roadtrip, examines the ways we seek out Jesus through the eyes and journey of the wise men who sought him out that first Christmas season.

Ice Breaker: If the Wisemen stopped at a gas station, what snacks do you think they would get for their road trip?

  1. Read John 14:25-27 and Galatians 5:22-23 and discuss the characteristics of the gifts God gives us.

  2. Contrast God’s gifts, particularly those listed in Galatians, with the gifts of the world that Pete named in his sermon:

    The World’s “Gifts”




    Escape + Instant Gratification


    Self-Righteous Certainty




  3. Which of these “worldly gifts” do you find yourself pursuing?

  4. Some of these gifts don’t seem that bad on the surface. Discuss the differences are between some of God’s gifts versus the world’s gifts, such as joy and happiness, kindness and politeness, peace and comfort.

  5. What can you do when you notice that you’re following worldly gifts and/or goals?

  6. Whether the star they followed moved or not, clearly the wise men were being led by God to Jesus. Conclude your time with your group by having a discussion using the following prompts:

    Have you ever felt like you were being guided by the Lord? If so, what did this look like? How did you know it was of God?

    As you followed God’s leading, what were the distractions/gifts of the world that were tempting to pursue instead?

    How did you fare in trying to follow God instead?

(*Video available after Sunday services)

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The Wise Men’s Christmas Roadtrip (Part 4)


The Wise Men’s Christmas Roadtrip (Part 2)