Difficult People (Part 5)

In the series, “Difficult People”, we are exploring the challenge of relationships through the story of Jacob and Esau.

1. Talk about a “conflict” you have been in that, in retrospect, wasn’t much more than a misunderstanding. What were some of the factors that caused this misunderstanding to appear to be bigger than it was?

2. What do you think it is about human nature that causes us to either flee or push back against conflict (fight or flight)? Is there one of these two reactions that you tend to go towards more than the other? If so, which one?

3. Read Genesis 32:6-8. When you read this passage, can you blame Jacob for fearing what Esau might do? Why does he assume the worst here?

4. Talk about a time when you assumed the worst about another’s intentions. Did this cause an undue amount of anxiety on you? Looking back, were your assumptions worth the resulting stress on yourself or relationships?

5. Discuss the wisdom in the following quote from sociologist Brené Brown’s book Rising Strong: “All I know is that my life is better when I assume that people are doing their best. It keeps me out of judgment and lets me focus on what is, and not what should or could be.”

6. Read Genesis 32:22-30. Jacob refuses to let go of God in midst of this crisis, and God changes his name from Jacob, meaning “Deceiver” to Israel, meaning “struggles with God”. In his sermon, Pete said that Jacob isn’t trying to defeat God. Instead, he clings to God with all his strength and for this, he is blessed. Jacob can now release Esau’s blessing because he has God’s blessing.

7. Do you feel that there are obstacles to receiving the blessing God wants to give you? If so, what are they? How does receiving God’s blessing change our hearts?

8. Read Genesis 33:3-11. Discuss how God’s work on the hearts of both Jacob and Esau is apparent in this passage. Have you experienced a similar kind of reconciliation that can only come from the Lord?

(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Difficult People (Part 4)