Be. “Hospitality”
In this special week of our intermittent “Be” series, we focus on biblical hospitality.
1. What are the differences between “entertaining” and “hospitality?” Talk about a time you’ve been treated with true hospitality. How did this make you feel?
Read Luke 10:38-42.
2. Take a closer look at Luke 10:40. Do you identify with Martha here? Reflect on a time when you have worn yourself out serving others.
3. To what extent do you think true biblical hospitality is more a position of the heart instead of task-oriented busyness? How is Martha’s busyness affecting the position of her heart in this passage?
4. Read Luke 10:41-42 again. Reflect on these verses, along with a statement Gordon made during today’s message: “Hospitality creates a space to pause and allow for intimate connection.”
How is Jesus inviting Martha into intimacy here? How is Jesus inviting you into intimacy through this passage?
5. In the podcast, Gordon mentions Fil Anderson talking about slowing down when eating: if you don’t slow down to chew, you’re in danger of choking. How does “slowing down” relate to hospitality?
(*Video available after Sunday services)