Simple Living: “Simplicity”
This series will focus on themes like simplicity, presence, surrender, and gratitude in the re-ordering or our priorities as we seek to live a simpler, more generous life.
1.What kind of “stuff” do you most need to unclutter from your life? How about from your home? What “stuff” is the hardest for you let go of? Do you see any overlap here? Discuss.
2. In her book, The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, Adele Calhoun writes, “Simplicity creates margin and spaces and openness in our lives.” What would this look like in your life? In what specific ways do you (or your family) need more “margin, space, and openness”?
3. Calhoun writes that the desire for simplicity is to “uncomplicate and untangle my life so I can focus on what really matters.” Discuss what really matters to you. What are your essentials?
4. What keeps you from focusing more of your time, energy, and resources on the essentials? How would simplifying your life make an impact on this?
5. Where have you (over)complicated your life with God? Consider what actually brings you into the presence of Christ. How can you spend more time there?
6. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-7. What does it look like to you to be a “cheerful giver”? How does simplicity relate to generosity here?
7. Read Matthew 6:19-21. How does this passage helps you see how simplicity relates to generosity. How is generosity a posture of the heart?
8. To close, talk about one thing you would like to simplify this week. Discuss and help each other come up with a plan to begin simplifying your life, beginning with this one thing.
(*Video available after Sunday services)