Easter Sunday - “My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light”

Happy Easter! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! This week we will lean into the way of Jesus as a way of rest, recovery, and redemption.

Read Matthew 11:28-30.

1. How do you experience the “easy yoke” of Jesus? Is this a challenging concept for you to understand? If so, why do you think that is?

2. In his sermon, Pete says that Jesus’s yoke frees us from false narratives and harnesses us to our intrinsic belonging, purpose, and identity—and the resurrection is the confirmation that the yoke fits. How does this idea help reframe this passage, or give it new life for you?

Read John 20:11-16.

3. Put yourself in Mary’s place in this passage. What about Jesus calling Mary by name do you think allowed her to recognize him, when she didn’t before?

4. In his sermon, Pete suggests that that Mary didn’t recognize Jesus at first because of her busyness and the expectations placed upon her. Can you relate? How do we allow things of lesser eternal importance sometimes block us from what is truly most importance, our connection with Jesus?

Read John 20:24-28.

5. What are your impressions of Thomas? Can you understand his doubt, given the circumstances? Do you identify with his skepticism in general?

6. Notice the interaction between Jesus and Thomas in verses 27 and 28. How do you think Jesus’s accessibility and intimate response changed?

7. How has Jesus met you, like Thomas, in your brokenness and invited you into the fullness of your purpose?

8. If you have time, read John 21 and how Jesus restores Peter, calling him into his true identity as the Rock on which the church will be built. Does Jesus have a similar message for you?

9. As you close read Matthew 11:28-30 in the Message translation. How does “keeping company” with Jesus help you personally “live freely and lightly”?


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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