Palm Sunday - Jesus’s Triumphal Entry

This week we will explore what is known as Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, glory, humility, and the upside-down Kingdom of God.

1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word glory? Do you have a story or moment from your past that it brings to your mind when you or someone you know received a lot of praise?

2. Why do you think we spend so much time and effort pursuing glory?

Read Matthew 21:1-11.

3. In the sermon, Shawn talked about how this is the first time Jesus has publicly claimed to be the Messiah and the true king of Israel. How do you see this evidenced in the passage we just read?

4. Does anything strike you as different or odd about Jesus’ Triumphal Entry versus how a conquering king or general might be expected to ride into the city?

Read Luke 19:41-44.

5. Jesus just had this amazing moment of glory on earth in his Triumphal Entry. Based on this verse, why do you think his reaction is to weep?

6. In the sermon this week, Shawn said that “Jesus had a different relationship with glory.” How do you see that evidenced in the narrative of Palm Sunday and Jesus weeping over Jerusalem?

Read Philippians 2:1-11.

7. How does Philippians demonstrate how Jesus viewed his own glory?

8. From verse 9, why was Jesus exalted to the highest place?

9. How does Jesus’ example change how we treat one another?

10. Is there an idea or thought from today’s conversation that stands out to you as one you need to hold onto as we approach this Easter season?


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Easter Sunday - “My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light”


Hazmat (Week 7)