Hazmat (Week 3)

This week we continue our series on the toxicity of sin, looking at Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life through stories of how Jesus addresses those wrestling with sin.

Read John 14:5-6.

1. What does it mean to you when Jesus says he is “the Way”? What does it look like to follow Jesus as “the Way”?

2. How does it change your idea of the spiritual journey to imagine riding with Jesus?

Read Matthew 9:9-13.

3. How does Jesus’s words and actions this passage point to the heart of God?

4. What does this passage communicate to us about the power of Jesus’s presence and who he chooses to spend his time with?

5. How might this impact the lens through which we as Christians see others in our community?

Read John 8:1-11.

6. Discuss how Jesus transforms both the woman caught in sin and her accusers. What does Jesus’s treatment of the woman and her accusers in this passage teach us about dealing with the sins of others?

7. Talk about how this passage would been different if Jesus had wielded Truth for the purpose of condemnation, rather than transformation.

8. How do you imagine the woman’s life was different after Jesus freed her from the “prison of sin” (“go and sin no more”)?

For Further Reflection on John 8:1-11:

Is there anyone for whom you have not allowed this level of love and forgiveness, based on their sin? If so, consider praying for God to show you some next steps.

When have you needed or received such love and forgiveness yourself?


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Hazmat (Week 4)


Hazmat (Week 2)