O Christmas Tree (Advent Week 3—The Ornaments)

In our Advent series, O Christmas Tree, we will explore the first chapter of John’s Gospel, focusing on themes of the Tree, the Lights/Star, the Ornaments, and the Presents (Presence).

1.     Before watching this week’s video, talk about a meaningful Christmas tree ornament you put on your tree each year. Briefly share the story of that ornament.

2.      Both Pete in Sunday’s sermon and Shawn in this week’s video pointed out that our lives are like ornaments telling the story of God. What do you hope your “ornament” communicates to others?

Read John 1:6-8 and then discuss the following questions.

3.     “There was a man sent from God…” In what ways do you feel that have you been sent by God—to various occupations, places, and people in your life?

4.     “He came as a witness…” Like John the Baptist, we are each sent by God as witnesses. This actually frees us from burden because we merely tell others what we see and know: it doesn’t all depend on us! Do you experience this as freedom? If not, how might this reframe your thinking? If so, how does this empower you to freely witness to the light of Christ?

5. “He himself was not the light…” How might it strip from us our false sense of importance to be regularly reminded that we are not the light, but merely testify to it?

6. In his sermon this week, Pete equated the ornaments on the Christmas tree that tell a story with our testimonies, the stories of our faith. What testimonies of others have made an impact on your faith? Have you ever shared your testimony with someone? Discuss that experience.

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O Christmas Tree (Christmas—The Presence)


O Christmas Tree (Advent Week 2—The Lights)