Overflowing (Grace-driven Generosity)
Week 2 Group Study Questions
Read and compare Luke 18:18-26 and Luke 19:1-10
1. What do you notice about the differences in how Jesus addresses each of these “Rich Rulers”, the unnamed man, and Zacchaeus?
2. Why do you think Jesus’ expectation of the Rich Ruler in Luke 18 is one of “impossibility”?
3. Can you think of a time where generosity and giving has become “transactional” in your life?
4. Why do you think Jesus celebrated Zacchaeus’ gift in Luke 19 even though it didn’t meet the standard he had just set for the Rich Ruler?
5. Can you think of a time in your life where your giving and generosity has been transformational?
Read Luke 21:1-4
6. What sticks out to you about the widow’s gift?
7. Do you ever doubt the impact of what you have to offer? How do you think Jesus might respond to those doubts?
Brainstorm some ways to engage in generosity that points to transformation rather than transaction.