Storytellers, Part 4: Suanne Camfield, “What Is True of You?”

Welcome to the fourth week of our series Storytellers. This week, we will hear from guest preacher and author of The Sound of a Million Dreams, Suanne Camfield.

Opening Discussion: In your group, talk about a time when you chose the wrong direction, whether it was driving, in a relationship, or some other situation.

Read Ephesians 2:1-10.

1. According to Paul, what characterizes people who are going in the wrong direction (verses 1-3)?

2. We live in a world in which, left to ourselves, we not only choose the wrong direction, but can remain cheerfully confident that it is in fact the right one. What forces lure or compel us to go in the wrong direction spiritually?

3. Read Ephesians 1:4-5. Reflect on the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. How does God’s mercy and love for us bring us back to life?

4. How did your own “change in direction” through Christ come about? Share your story with the group.

Read Ephesians 2:1-10 again, this time in the Message translation. 

5. In your group, talk about your beliefs surrounding these two core questions:

Who is God? Who does God say you are?

6. How have your beliefs in these areas changed over the life of your faith?

7. What are some obstacles you have faced, or are still facing, that make it difficult for you to truly believe in, and live into, the goodness of God and God’s loving gaze when He looks at you?


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Storytellers, Part 5: Pete Stearns, “My Testimony”


Storytellers, Part 3: “Snaked by Grace”