Storytellers, Part 5: Pete Stearns, “My Testimony”

Welcome to the fifth week of our series Storytellers. This week, we will hear Pete’s personal testimony.

This week, Pete shared some lessons he learned as part of his testimony. Our discussion will be based on those lessons.

• A relationship with Jesus is about producing the fullness of life, not avoiding death

1.Have you ever thought of your faith as something only important when it came to your death, as a “ticket to heaven” ? If so, why do you think this was the case? How did you come to a deeper understanding of your faith?

2. How does your relationship with Jesus help you experience the fullness of life?

• When we lean into our doubt, God’s truth will always prevail

3. Have you ever experienced a miracle? If so, talk about it with your group.

4. Have you ever prayed for a miracle and it didn’t happen, or didn’t happen the way you would have wanted? Talk about that.

5. How have you “leaned into doubt” in the past? In what ways has God’s truth prevailed over doubt in your life?

• God’s plan for our life is to do all things to His glory and not our own!

6. How have you been shown that God’s plan for your life to do all things for God’s glory and not your own?

7. What does it look like for your to “do everything as in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”?

8. What does it look like for you to “surrender” your testimony, or your life story to God?

To close, discuss the idea Joanne and Pete present at the end of the Primer Podcast of sharing your testimonies this fall in your group (if your group hasn’t yet done this).


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Storytellers, Part 6: Fil Anderson, “Profoundly Divine & Deeply Human”


Storytellers, Part 4: Suanne Camfield, “What Is True of You?”