Storytellers, Part 6: Fil Anderson, “Profoundly Divine & Deeply Human”

Welcome to the final week of our series Storytellers. This week, we will hear from spiritual formation pastor Fil Anderson.

To close our Storytellers series, Fil preached from the same passage we began our series with, the story of the death and resurrection of Lazarus in John 11:1-44. If you aren’t familiar with the story, begin by reading it.

1. Fil noted that this story, above all, reveals that Jesus is who he said he is: profoundly divine and deeply human. Why are both of these realities crucial to you? Why is knowing Jesus is God important to you?

2. What difference does it make in your life to know that Jesus is human and that “he gets you” and understands the joys and sorrows you confront?

3. What do you think it was like for Jesus to allow his close friend to die when he could have stopped it? What does this suggest to you about the purpose and importance of this miracle?

4. What does this tell you about the circumstances you are praying for but haven’t received an answer for yet?

5. Has Jesus ever responded to one of your prayers with an answer you considered too little or too late? What had you been praying for, and how did you hope Jesus would answer it?

6. Did Jesus’ response affect your faith? If so, in what ways?

7. Lazarus is described as “the one Jesus loves.” How do you think Jesus views you? Are you, too, someone Jesus loves? Discuss why or why not.

8. Jesus made a bold claim & asks a crucial question in John 11:25-26. Do you believe this? Discuss.


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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Kingdom Confusion, Part 1: The Beatitudes & The Me-Attitudes


Storytellers, Part 5: Pete Stearns, “My Testimony”