Therefore: Week 4

This series will focus on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, which challenges readers to claim a new life, identity, and purpose in the hope of the resurrection. In week four, Joanne Soliday talks about unity and radical transformation in Ephesians chapter 4.

  1. Reflect on this week’s sermon. What stuck out to you?

  2. Read Ephesians 4:20-24 in the Message and discuss the following:

    -Since you began following Jesus, what aspects of your “old life” are you still carrying”? How can those around you help you surrender these things? Discuss to what extent you think this is your work, or God’s work.

    -What things in your life (inwardly and/or outwardly) are evidence of the “renewed, God-fashioned” life that you have taken on? (Remember that this is a lifelong journey—give yourself grace if you are not as far along as you wish.)

  3. Read Ephesians 4:25-32, the very next passage, which Joanne focused on during her message. Which of the following things that Paul covers in this passage do you struggle with the most? If you are in a group discussion, how can your group members help or encourage you?

    • Truth

    • Stealing (or a lack of generosity)

    • Forgiveness

    • Words (encouragement over disparagement/sarcasm)

    • Anger

  4. To close, talk about your understanding of Joanne’s premise that the key to unity at the church-level is radical transformation at the heart-level?

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Therefore: Week 5


Therefore: Week 3