B.L.E.S.S. (Listen)

Our new series, BLESS Your Heart, is based on the book B.L.E.S.S. by Dave and Jon Ferguson, which outlines five practical ways to love our neighbors and share our faith. This week, we “Listen.”

  1. To begin, talk about a memorable experience where you misheard a word or phrase that made sense in your head but was entirely incorrect, or a time where you were misunderstood. How did this feel?

  2. Have you ever felt unheard? What was that like?

  3. Talk about a time where you truly felt listened to, known, and loved. What was so special about that experience?

  4. Why do we have such a hard time truly listening to the people around us? What keeps you from actively listening to the people around you?

  5. In his sermon, Pete introduced the acronym “TIP” (Time, Intention, Presence) to help guide us in active listening. Which element do you struggle with the most when trying to listen to others: Time, Intention, or Presence?

  6. Read James 1:26-27. What word or phrase jumps out to you as you read this passage? How does listening (talked about in verse 26) affect the ways our faith plays out (in verse 27)?

  7. Talk about where you would really like to improve your listening: with your neighbors, at work, where you play…or somewhere else). Discuss any challenges you foresee.

Some questions above appeared first in the book B.L.E.S.S. by Dave and Jon Ferguson.


(*Video available after Sunday services)

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B.L.E.S.S. (Eat Together)


B.L.E.S.S. (Begin with Prayer)