Missional Heart (Week 1-Spiritual Transformation)

In our new series, Missional Heart: The Restorative Nature of the Gospel, we will dive into the four pillars that make up the heartbeat of our mission to make Jesus famous by becoming more like Him.

Read Luke 4:16-21.

1. Imagine being in the synagogue in Nazareth and hearing this reading, and the response of Jesus, the carpenter son of Joseph. Discuss what you may be thinking when you hear this from Jesus.

2. In his sermon, Pete pointed out that in Jesus’ Jewish culture, the idea of poverty included, but wasn’t limited to, economic poverty. How does understanding that Jesus’ “good news” is also for those who are spiritually lost, culturally marginalized, physically hurting, and socially outcast impact your understanding of this passage? How does it impact your understanding of Jesus’ ministry?

Read the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8:4-8.

3. Is this parable familiar to you? How have you understood it in the past? How does Pete’s reading that we are the soil (not the sower or the seed) impact your understanding today?

4. Pete said in his sermon that “a seed planted in fertile soil will not remain buried—it will instead grow into a plant and bear fruit.” Discuss how we can cultivate fertile soil in our souls.

5. At the conclusion of his sermon, Pete pointed out that even when a seed is snatched from the soil before it can take root, God has created the natural world in such a way that many plants depend on birds to spread their seed to other areas. How have you seen this take place when it comes to the spread of the Gospel, specifically around Satan’s attempts to disrupt it? Discuss how this gives you even greater confidence in the God who calls us into mission.

Read the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20. Then read the following description of our first mission pillar, spiritual transformation:

Jesus’ final words on earth were a call for his disciples to participate in active spiritual restoration by immersing the world in the gospel message. From this Great Commission, we recognize that the basis of all redemption in this world comes from restored spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. It is because of this demonstration of mission that we care deeply about reaching the spiritually lost and inviting them to know Jesus.

6. What do you think about this statement? Is it inspiring? Confusing? In what ways do you see this work occurring already? How are you participating in this work? How can you commit further to this part of God’s mission for us?

7. Conclude in prayer together, including prayer for our mission partners and their work in spiritual transformation locally and globally.

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Missional Heart (Week 2—Women and Children)


The Evolution of Peter (Week 3)