Who Am I? “I Am the True Vine”

Week 4 Group Study Questions 

1.     In his sermon this week, Jarm told us the Greek word men’o, most often translated as “abide” or “remain,” also means “make your home with me.” Read John 15:1-8, first in the NIV translation, and then in the Message.

Thinking about this passage from the Message, which uses the latter translation, how does this change your experience of this passage for you?

2.     As Jarm said, abiding, remaining, or making our home in the True Vine of Christ is simple, but not easy. This type of “cultivation” requires not just a desire to draw near to God, but time and quiet. Most of us lead lives without much margin for this.

Without judgment on yourself or others, discuss how you’re doing in setting aside time and space to “make your home” in Christ. Are there some ways you can create more of that space in your daily life?

3.     Jarm quoted a commentator who wrote: “Trying really hard produces Pharisees, while abiding in Jesus produces disciples.” What are your thoughts about this quote? Is it convicting? Do you have some pushback? What are your experiences with trying really hard to live a “good, Christian life”?

4.     Referring to our spiritual lives, Jarm contrasted a gym with a garden. Which one of these is a better metaphor for your spiritual life: a noisy gym where you grunt and groan from effort, or a quiet garden where fruit is produced, not from your effort but from the slow work of God?

5.     What is the greatest challenge in your life to abiding, remaining, or making your home in Jesus? Spend some time discussing how the members of your group can best encourage and support one another.

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Who Am I? “I Am the Good Shepherd”


Who Am I? “The Way, the Truth, & the Life”